Tuesday, March 3, 2009

March 2009 Horoscopes

It's a new month and in the universe's amazing way the outer planet's and nodes move one step or should I say on degree towards change. Saturn retrograde in Virgo makes a move from 19* to 18*, the Lunar Nodes move from 9* Aquarius and Leo where they have been for 2 ½ months to 8* and Pluto takes his step too, to 3*, all at the beginning of March, is it a coincidence? Nothing in our universe is by chance, all is done in a cosmic dance that prepares us and fine tunes us; all of us. 

Yet, it seems that March is practically devoid of challenging squares that give us the opportunity to overcome "something". Instead, we see most of the inner or personal planets moving into the mutable sign of Pisces along with the planet of sudden change, Uranus. Even Uranus, though is opposing Saturn the planet of karma, causing low spirits, frustrations and delays. The mutable planets of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces, adapt easily to quickly changing events or circumstances, and thrive on things being fast paced; but create chaos and drama when bored. 

With Saturn in Virgo retrograde opposing Pisces, we could have fewer opportunities for new opportunities and change. The universe tries to focus our attention on taking care of what already exists. The sign of Virgo rules health, jobs and worry. The sign of Pisces is as you know the last Sun sign of our Zodiac. It rules a time to finish what you started, pay debts, pay karma, and not run away from your problems and responsibilities. It's a time to be self sacrificing, to do
charitable acts, and be kind, seek spirituality, healing, and do your soul searching. Above all lower your expectations of others, just for a little bit of time. Take care or tend to what you already have, your home, your yard, your job, or your family, for example. 

Until you prove you can take care of what you have the universe won't give you anything new or any new challenges. Until you complete the task in front of you no new responsibilities are given. So excel at whatever job you have in front of you, wherever you live, and what your responsibilities are. In that way you prepare yourself, for what is to come. Heal your body, your mind and above all your soul. 

On March 20th it's the Spring Equinox, also called the Vernal Equinox. It marks a turning point for us where the amount of daylight becomes longer and longer, and begins with a day of equal day and night. The Moon moves out of the way and is at its farthest point from the Earth, as the Sun takes over. The Sun rules leadership, kings and the soul. The amount of light we are subject to becomes brighter and for longer intervals. It is the beginning of the Zodiac cycle, which begins with the Sun entering the sign of Aries. As the Sun moves into the sign of its exaltation, Aries, it marks the official beginning of spring. Trees turn green, the grass comes alive, seeds sprout, animals come out of hibernation, mate and we all feel energized and like we can take on the world.

Our ancient fore fathers celebrated this event with festivals and ceremony. It's a time to put your plans in motions and feel alive once more! It happens at the end of a rather boring month, when we feel housebound and are trying feverishly to finish tasks, get out spring cleaning done, and all of a sudden we awake from our slumber! Ironically in the Southern hemisphere they are celebrating the Fall Equinox and preparing for their winter, slowing down, experiencing less Sun 
light , and getting prepared for the harvest and then their winter. 

Venus the planet of love and relationships is retrograde, suggesting a time for doing something, or being something for someone else, to please someone else or others, not ourselves. 

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