In his waking state he was a Photographer,a Sunday school teacher or just like anyother normal human being. But at the age of 21 he developed gradual paralysis of the throat muscles, which threatened the loss of his voice. When Doctors were unable to find a physical cause Hypnosis was tried but this failed to have any permanent effect. As a last resort Edgar asked a friend to help him enter the same hypnotic sleep that helped him memorise his schoolbooks.
Once he was in this self-induced trance he quickly diagnosed his own problem. He recommended Medication and manipulative therapy which restored his voice. This unique ability led to a group of local Physicians who took advantage of this unique talent to diagnose their own patients. After entering his self induced trance they soon discovered that Cayce only needed to be given the name and address of the patient, wherever that patient was in the world was immaterial, he could be on the other side of the world or just down the road in his own town.
He was able to tune in to that individuals mind and body .He never needed and was given no other information regarding any other patient. From that day on people all over the country sought his help. When Cayce passed over in 1945 he left over 14000 documented stenographic records for more than 8000 people .He would also give information on any other subject asked of him be it astrology or spiritual laws covering the universe, this was over a period of 43 years. These documents are referred to as the Readings and constitute one of the largest and most impressive records of psychic perception ever to emanate from a single individual. They have been cross referenced and indexed into thousands of headings and are at the disposal of Researchers, Psychologists, Students, Writers, Doctors and members of the Association of Research and Enlightenment in Virginia beach which is the organization set up in the United states to deal with all aspects of the readings. Though Cayce died in 1945, the timeliness of the material in the readings is evidenced by approximately one dozen biographies and more than 300 book titles that discuss various aspects of this man's life and work One person by the name of Doctor Harold J Reilly has had over 45 years of clinical experience working with the readings and his experience forms an invaluable addition to the record. For more than 30 years the Reilly health institute which he founded in Rockefeller centre was a health centre for prominent people like the Secretary of state Edward Stettinus, Congressman James Delaney, the Vice President of the U S A, international figures such as the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, famous actresses such as Glona Swanson, Mae West, Gypsy Rose also came to Reillys to keep in top condition. Neither were all Reillys patients Celebrities many were simply suffering human beings referred to him by one of more of the 3000 practising Doctors, Osteopaths and Dentists who sent their patients to him. Dr Reillys impressive educational background encompasses 8 university degrees including Doctor of science, Master in Physiotherapy, and Doctor of Physiotherapy. He has over 45 years of clinical practise and the two men shared an identical philosophy of health, in Dr reillys words"Medicine and most Doctors aim at curing a specific ailment, the Cayce readings and the Reilly therapy aim at producing a healthy body which will heal itself of the ailment, we try to understand nature and work with nature then the body heals itself".
When Dr Reilly closed the Institute in 1965 and retired to his farm he donated his equipment to the A.R.E. in Virginia Beach .He also trained its therapists and agreed to serve as supervisor. His success in treating hopeless cases further spread his fame. He considered himself a Teacher and Interpreter of the Cayce readings which were given for the individual and he had to draw on his background knowledge and experience to interpret what he wanted and then teach people what to do. The A R E was formed in 1932 to preserve and record the data .Its library contains over 14246 readings of this number 8976 about 64% deal with medical ailments and treatments, it continues today to promote, teach giving lectures and forming study groups all over the world.
There was also a hospital set up to follow through on these fine recommendations Also a research institute worth looking at who are testing the readings and publishing their findings is the Meridian institute meridianinstitute. com/ they have published research on quite a few of the chronic illnesses which plague man such as ms, Pd,etc. You can see some of their excellent results.
On the metaphysical side of the readings some of the subjects are Astrology, Atlantis, Reincarnation, Bible readings interpretation, Lemuria, pyramids, Egypt and Mayan, Past civilisations, Karma and other spiritual laws, Past lives, Earth changes, Geology, The purpose of life and our very beginings, Extra terrestrials, Google videos host many interesting videos such as these just copy this address into your computer
The Association of Research and Enlightenment address is A.R.E. PO BOX 595 VIRGINIA BEACH VIRGINIA 23451 Tel no 001 757 428 3588 email
There are also various cayce study groups, and practitioners throughout the states and details can be found from the AR.E. and thousands of websites with very useful information- recommended is parkys web site The Edgar Cayce centre in the UK IS THE EDGAR CAYCE CENTRE: DURHAM 13, PROSPECT TERRACE, NEW kYO, STANLEY, CO. DURHAM.
ENGLAND DH 97TR TEL 01207 237696
They produce a free newsletter and have some of the Cayce remedies, books and they also have the circulating files which are a collection of all the readings in subject format, testimonials on 350 medical complaints from cancer to m.s.They lend these files out to people who wish to help themselves, just ask at the centre
Also two must have books on the medical side which give the treatments, the causes and the philosophy of the healing of his work are The Encyclopaedia of Healing by Reba Ann Karp ISBN 0-446-30981- 8 This is a condensed version of the readings giving causes and cures and some feed back from people using the treatments -Valuable
The Edgar Cayce Handbook for Health through Drugless therapy by Hugh Lynn Cayce Harold Reilly and Ruth Hagy Brod ISBN 0-02-601960- 4 Harold reillys 43 years of experience of working with the readings the results he, got the treatments he gave- a very valuable book I would encourage you to copy and distribute this information to your friends it will save much suffering and has already saved many lives.
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