It seems just too good to be true. Study after the study of research uniformly supporting the advantages without end of the exercise. The potatoes of couch everywhere await the other shoe to be dropped, us indicating that all these scientists were wrong and us should remain also sedentary like possible.
However four additional studies released each one recently give the same regulation to improve a certain aspect of your health: exercise.
They are added obviously recent that the regular training sessions can improve of old brains, raise children 'execution school and give a dash of brain to each one in the interval.
Better bones
A study illustrates the effect of the exercise on preventing or limiting the osteoporosis, which affects more than 200 million people in the whole world. The researchers at the university of Missouri noted that while formation of resistance (weights of lifting) and the exercise with high impression (operation) both help to establish the mineral density of bone necessary (BMD), operation is the better choice.
Programmes of exercise to increase the force of bone should be conceived using what is known about the way in which the bones answer the exercise, WFP known as Hinton, qualified schoolteacher and important author. Only the skeletal sites which it effort increased by experiment of the exercise will become stronger. The activities with high impression, dynamic, directional have like consequence of greater profits in the force of bone.
The study was published in the edition of February of the newspaper of the treatment of force.
Less pain
In a relative study, the exercise seemed to be one of some successful remedies for those which suffer from the lombo-crowned pain. In the edition of February of the newspaper of spine, the university of the doctors of Washington recapitulated 20 different clinical tests which supported various solutions to reduce the pain.
With strong and formed obviousness finds many popular methods of prevention to fail while the exercise has a significant impact, in terms to prevent symptoms and to reduce the pain-related loss postpones work, Dr. says Stanley J. Bigos, professor emeritus of orthopedic surgery and environmental health. Passive Interventions such that the belts and lumbar insertions of shoe do not seem to work.
A better health of eye
Moreover, the vigorous exercise was now dependent with the appreciably reduced beginning of the cataracts and the macular degeneration relating to the age. In the study, detailed in the investigatory ophthalmology and visual Science, researchers reviewed the health of eye of 41.000 runners over seven years and noted that the men and the women had appreciably lower rates of these two diseases than the general public.
The men who noted more than 5.7 miles per day had a risk 35 percent lower than those which ran less than 1.4 thousand per day. While the correlation is strong, the reason is not clear.
We know some of favour physiological exercise, and we know the physiological bottom of these diseases, thus we must better include/understand where there 's, of overlapping Paul says Williams, a epidemiologist in the Division of the life sciences of national laboratory of Lawrence Berkeley.
Cancer prevention
Every year in the United States, plus 100.000 people is diagnosed with the cancer of the colonist. To see what to carry out the exercise has on lowering this rate, researchers at the university of Washington and Harvard combined to review 52 studies during the 25 last years which bound the exercise and the incidence of cancer. In a general way, they noted that those which exerted more (5-6 hours of sharp walk per week) were 24 percent less to develop the disease that those which exerted less (less than 30 minutes per week).
Beneficial Effet of exercise is held through all the kinds of activities, of study known as author Kathleen Y. Wolin, Sc.D. of wire of university of Washington. And it are held for men and women. There is a body always growing obvious that the choices of behavior make us affect with our cancer risk. The physical-activity is with the top of the list in manners that you can reduce your cancer risk of the colonist.
Thus, are there studies outside there which bind the exercise with negative results?
In recent study published in newspaper obesity, Dolores AlbarracĂn, professor of psychology in University of Illinois, made note that people who are shown that posters with messages as unite a gymnastics or made a turn eat really more after looking at these messages that those which saw made messages as the friends.
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